Subject - Life and Living

Early Years

Characteristics of living things
How plants and animals get their energy to stay alive
Structure and function in humans
Structure and function of amoebae

Needs of living things

Characteristics of living things
Needs of living things
Factors affecting survival: Biotic
Factors affecting survival: Abiotic
Animal groups

Classification of living things

Technology and knowledge
Animal, plant, fungi? - A simplified classification system
Dichotomous keys: Making and interpreting them
The five kingdoms of living things
Further classification of Kingdom Animalia: The vertebrates
Further classification of Kingdom Animalia: The invertebrates
Plant classification
Species and evolution

The Environment in Balance

Habitats and environments: Micro
Habitats and environments: Macro
Eat and be eaten: Feeding relationships
Eat and be eaten: Food chains
Ecosystems and food webs
Graphing populations in food chains

The Changing Environment

Impact on environments: Natural
Impact on environments: Human
Introduced species: "Not in my backyard"

How Plants Function

Organisational relationships within living things
Plant cells

Food: The chemicals of life

Plant Systems A: Transport and support
Plant Systems B: Photosynthesis, nutrition and respiration
Plant Systems C: Reproduction and flowering plants

How Humans Function

Organisational relationships within living things
Animal cells

Systems, transport, and exchange

Circulatory system
Respiratory system
Digestive system
Food: The chemicals of life
Support and movement system: Skeletons
Support and movement system: Muscles
Animal senses
Human senses A: Sight and sound
Human senses B: Smell, taste and touch
Nervous system
Endocrine system
Human reproduction A: The female system
Human reproduction B: The male system and contraception
Spare parts

Life Through Time

Life cycles A: General stages - Butterflies and frogs
Life cycles B: Chicks, roos and more..
Plant Systems C: Reproduction and flowering plants
Human reproduction A: The female system
Human reproduction B: The male system and contraception
Populate or perish
Too late: Extinctions
Species and evolution
Copyright owned by the State of Victoria (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development). Used with Permission.