Indigenous Perspectives in primary science: The 5E model- Engage

Students show interest, ask questions, share what they think they know, and interact with science through Indigenous perspectives.

Indigenous Perspectives in primary science: The 5E model- Evaluate

Students re-represent their understanding and reflect on their learning journey. Teachers and AEIOs collect evidence about students' achievements.

Indigenous Perspectives in primary science: The 5E model- Explain

Teachers, AEIOs, Indigenous community members and students share ideas that support students' developing understanding of current scientific explanations and vocabulary. Students represent their understanding using literacy skills.

Indigenous Perspectives in primary science: The 5E model- Explore

Teachers, AIEOs, Indigenous community members and students explore a range of hands-on science phenomena through Indigenous perspectives. Students build on their literacy skills and various modes to represent their developing understanding.

Introduction to the Primary Connections Indigenous Perspectives Framework

Teachers and Aboriginal and Islander Education Officers (AIEOs) 'yarn' about the Primary Connections Indigenous Perspectives framework and the impact of its application in the classroom.